2 December 2 2016
Acts 13:16-25
As a Journalism student in college, it was impressed on me that every story should quickly provide the reader with “who, what, when, where, how, and – if possible – why.”
Why was often the most interesting question and the real heart of the story, but why without context – for example, “She did it because she was hungry” – would do a reader no good as he’d be left wondering, “Who was she? What was it she did, and what does this have to do with me? “ How different, though, if the story reads, “Jane Doe was arrested and jailed for stealing groceries to feed her small children,” especially if the reader recognizes that Jane Doe is his beloved but troubled younger sister! Now the story is concrete, personal, and compelling.
Yes, context is critical. Paul knew that, which is why in Acts 13:16-25 he invites his audience to listen closely, engaging them through telling the Who, What, When, and Where of God’s history with Israel, right up to John the Baptist. “Do you think I am the Messiah? No! But he is coming soon… “ Who can help but wonder what’s coming next, with a build-up like that!