We’ve had an incredible Tuesday! We started the day with breakfast and then a “TAG” time as they call it. This is a time where we can be alone with God and read a devotional, reflect, and pray for the day that is starting. We do this for about 25 minutes each morning. It’s so relaxing to hear the town around us, so full of life, while we sit and try to find stillness and a time of peace.
Then we head off to our sites! The second day of VBS brought more kids. Jimmy and Sally’s group successfully hung a new basketball hoop in a neighborhood. Stew and Kim’s group has had fun because some of their kids want to learn English. They’ve been teaching them new English words and quizzing each other. At the end of the day yesterday,one of the Costa Rican girls asked if they could pray for our group, and she prayed a beautiful pray in English!.At another site we had a game of soccer with about 15 Costa Ricans, aka “Ticos” that are around our age. They had fun teaching us their incredible skills, and we had fun meeting friends that grew up so differently than us. Their stories give us perspective and are a blessing. After both sites, we went to a local indoor soccer field and had a great time playing soccer with the other church group that is here on a trip as well.
Pray for God to work in new ways for our 3rd day leading Vacation Bible School.
Pray that each of have hearts that are open and grow closer to Jesus.
Thank you for your prayers and support! Adios!