We all made it safe and sound. Praise God for this place and every person in our group. The flight was smooth,and the weather is beautiful! So far there has been no rain at all! Which is surprising, because (like Florida summers,) it normally rains every afternoon.
When we first arrived at the mission, everyone got settled and got our first meal with rice and beans! Then we went for a prayer walk through all of the VBS sites that we’re leading at this week. We prayed at the site for each kid we would meet there and for a joyous and God-filled week. We then walked around the neighborhoods and prayed for the children and people in this beautiful place. We invited all those we saw to our VBS. When we got back to the mission, we ate dinner, prepared all our supplies for the first day and had a worship service. The worship is simply a young women and her guitar; but it fills the mission, and all are moved. “Empowered” is the atmosphere here as we’re moved to praise God for this opportunity and all that God is doing in our lives and the lives of our new friends in Costa Rica.
This morning we woke up ready and excited to start the day. The first day is normally the smallest one, but all the sites had kids! We played soccer, blew bubbles, drew pictures, painted, jumped rope, sang songs, learned verses, laughed and learned names. It is impossible to not see God in this beautiful country. Each one of us is experiencing God and excited and open to all that is to come this week.
Pray, for each of us on this trip, that we may be open to receive the same message we are teaching to the children. Pray that we are confident and unafraid to build relationships and love kids we just met. Pray for everyone’s safety.
Thank you to everyone who has made this trip a reality for us.
We love you! Adios!