“Continuing the Conversation” – Thursdays 7:00-8:30 p.m., April 16, 23, 30, and May 7, in the Music Lecture Suite. All are encouraged to attend a four-week “round-table” discussion and reflection on the United Methodist Church’s wrestling with controversial issues surrounding human sexuality.
The group discussion will be facilitated by Rev. Bob Brown, Rev. Laura Berg, and Emily Edwards, Director of Youth and Education Ministries. We will use Steve Harper’s book, “For the Sake of the Bride: Restoring the Church to Her Intended Beauty”, published by Abingdon Press, 2014, as an introduction to our table discussion and reflection.
Bishop Kenneth Carter of The Florida Annual Conference endorses Harper’s book, stating, “For the Sake of the Bride” is a helpful reflection on the unity of the church concerning human sexuality. He risks moving deeply into the conversation, and he does so in a way that is evangelical (Christocentric) and mystical. His rediscovery of E. Stanley Jones’s round-table discussion points a way beyond our tribalism.
We look forward to our dialogue in a spirit of grace-filled love, honesty, and mutual respect for all parties. Register for the class by clicking here or in the church office. You may pick up a copy of Harper’s book at the church office. Cost: $12.00.