Weekend Fund-Raising Event for Imagine No Malaria: “Camp Out to Stamp Out Malaria”   The United Methodist Church is part of a global response to fight malaria.  The Florida Annual Conference has set a goal of saving 250,000 lives from malaria, with each local church participating in helping to reach this goal.  CCUMC is showing our commitment to overcoming malaria’s burden by planning a full weekend of events you will not want to miss!  April 25th is designated as World Malaria Day, but we are dedicating the whole weekend to bringing about awareness of our fight to stamp out malaria.

Mark your calendars and help CCUMC reach our church’s goal to raise $5,000 for INM.  A number of our staff and youth will camp out Friday evening in our church parking lot under mosquito nets.  How much would you donate to not have to camp out???  Donations, great or small, are gladly welcomed.  And if tent camping isn’t your thing, then come and participate in our other exciting activities as follows:

Friday, April 24th:

7:00 p.m.  Movie Night in the Music Lecture Suite

8:00 p.m.  Ice Cream Social in the Fellowship Hall

9:00 p.m.  Camp Out with Florida’s creepy bugs

Saturday, April 25th:  

10:00 a.m.  Donuts and Coffee at the Campground (parking lot)

10:30 a.m.  Family Games & Contests

12:00 p.m.  Bar-B-Q Lunch in the Parking Lot (Pig Out to Stamp Out!!!)

Sunday, April 26th:     

Mother’s Day Cards for sale in the Courtyard

All proceeds will go toward reaching our goal of $5,000.00 to support the Florida Conference’s Campaign for Imagine No Malaria.

Thank you in advance for your generous support! To learn more, contact Laura Berg, Minister of Congregational Care