Mission Trip: April 5-9, 2016
This will be an opportunity to serve with Koinonia Farm’s Travelers’ Ministry which provides some basic items of clothing (according to ICE regula ons) to men scheduled for deporta on who are detained at the Stewart Deten on Center in Lumpkin, GA. Koinonia also assists with family visita on in concert with several “hospitality houses” in the area. The Koinonians have been involved in immigration issues and prison ministry for many years, and we can expect to learn from them in order to be of service closer to home here in Florida. This mission trip will be limited to 8 persons, with the hope of offering it again in the future.
Other opportunities, in addition to packing and delivering the requested bags for the detention center:
1) Visit with a detainee. This must be arranged in advance, and a visit request must come from a detainee. 2) View documentary lm, Briars in the Cotton Patch, and learn about the history of this intentional Christian community that has been committed to racial equality since its founding in 1942.
3) Visit Habitat International Global Village in nearby Americus.
4) Visit Andersonville National Historic Site.
5) Visit the Albany Civil Rights Institute and hear the gospel choir that performs on the 2nd Saturday each month.
6) Help around the farm as needed.
A short morning devotion takes place at 7:50 each morning in the chapel. Pause for prayer takes place several times throughout the day.
Cost for room (double occupancy) for 4 nights, 3 community lunches, 4 community dinners, gas contribu on, admission to Habitat Global Village and admission to the Albany Civil Rights Ins tute will be $200 per person.
For more information, you may call Janet at 386-847-3807 or e-mail jbernhard@c .rr.com