If you feel called or would like information about our mission in Guatemala, contact Jeanne Hencken (908-625-9478) or Jack and Barbara Travis. We would like to have our team assembled soon so don’t delay
Salad y Paz is 15 years old and going strong! In 2001, founder and dentist, Phil Plunk, envisioned a dental clinic to serve the Mayan’s needs. Since its humble beginnings, the clinic has grown to include medical, pharmacy, surgical, and lab services. In 2015, the clinic treated 12,000 patients! A program called Las Amigas empowers Guatemalans to be learners as teachers educating their friends and families about personal hy-giene, sanitation, dental hygiene, etc.
In 2009, Colegia Susanna Wesley began to serve indigenous Mayan children offering comprehensive early childhood education. The staff provide nutrition and health care to preschool children as well.
CCUMC missionaries show their faith by works, performing construction duties side by side with the Guatema-lans. We clean, paint, and prepare the classrooms for the upcoming school year so that the teachers can concen-trate on lesson planning. There is work for every ability level offering opportunities for all to serve.
Consider being the hands and feet of Jesus; join in! Or if you do not feel called to go to Guatemala, consider a donation to the project. We bring shoes, backpacks, school supplies, and much more each time we travel to Salud y Paz.