All are invited to attend the Service of the Longest Night, Monday, December 21, 7 p.m., in our sanctuary. This is a different kind of Christmas service for those who mourn.
Many people find they have trouble feeling “in the spirit” of things during the Advent and Christmas seasons (occasions traditionally known for good cheer and festivities) due to grief, sadness, or depression related to the death of a loved one, the end of a marriage, the loss of work, or other life changes or struggles.
On December 21, we will gather for this special Service of the Longest Night, so named because of its proximity to the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. The intent of this service is to provide space for those who may be grieving, hurting, or simply not connected with the public joy of the Advent and Christmas seasons.
In coming together, we are free to share our pain and sorrow while receiving comfort from the sur-rounding community of faith.