Are you interested in leading or participating on a mission team? Do you want to lead or participate on a team to Haiti, Guatemala, Cuba, Africa, Sager Brown, or somewhere else here in the US and be the hands and feet of Christ? Then join us at a training session here at CCUMC.
You will learn the “ins and outs” of organizing a mission trip from recruiting the team to picking the location, getting support, staying safe, planning the work, and much much more. You will also enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship and connection with other mission-minded folks.
Not sure you are ready to be part of a team? Come and learn what it takes – you will be well-informed and a better team member if you choose to go.
Cost is $29.95 per person, $39.95 per couple. Individuals receive a Team Leader Manual, we ask that couples share one. Coffee, juice and lunch are included.
Register online by clicking here.